
Low sodium food labels (低納鹽食物分類法)

Salt free: Less than 5 milligrams sodium per serving.
無鹽: 一份少於 5 毫克的鹽分

Sodium free: Less than 5 milligrams sodium per serving.
無鹽: 一份少於 5 毫克的鹽分

No Salt added: No salt added during processing; does not necessarily mean sodium free.


Very Low Sodium: 35 milligrams or less sodium per serving.

極少鹽﹔一份少於 35 毫克的鹽分

Low Sodium: 140 milligrams or less per serving.

低納鹽﹔一份少於 140 毫克的鹽分



All values are given in mg of sodium for a 100 g (3.5 oz) food portion. These values are a guide. More accurate values are given in the Nutritional Information on the package of most products, in the form of mg of sodium per serving.
以下的含鹽量是以 100 克的份量來計算,實際的含鹽量還是必須以產品包裝上的營養指標為準。

Apple (蘋果) , raw unpeeled 1
Asparagus (蘆筍), cooked 1 (regular canned 236)
Avocado (奶油果) 4
Banana (香蕉)1
Barly, (薏仁) pearled 3
Beans, Lima 1 (regular canned 236)
Beans, snap green, cooked 4 (regular canned 236)
Beans, white common, cooked 7
Bean sprouts, (豆芽) cooked 4
Beets, cooked 43 (regular canned 236)
Blackberries (黑梅) 1
Broccoli, (花椰菜) cooked 10
Brussel sprouts, (高麗菜心) cooked 10
Cabbage (高麗菜) 20
Carrots 40 (胡蘿蔔)(regular canned 236)
Cauliflower 10 (白色花椰菜)
Celery, raw (芹菜)126 (cooked 88)
Cherries, (櫻桃) Raw 2
Chicken, (雞肉入皮) cooked, without skin 60 to 80
Chickpeas, dry 8
Collards, cooked 25
Corn, sweet, (甜玉米)cooked 0 (regular canned 236)
Cucumber (黃瓜) 6
Duck (鴨肉)74
Eggplant, (茄子) cooked 1
Egg, whole, (蛋) raw 74 (whites 152, yolk 49)
Endive, curly 14
Figs 2 (蜜棗)
Flounder 78 (比目魚)
Haddock, raw 61 (battered 177)
Heart, beef 86 (牛心)
Honey 5 (蜂蜜)
Kale, cooked 43
Lamb, lean 70 (羊肉)
Lettuce 9 (生菜)
Lime, fresh or juice 1
Liver, beef 184 (牛肝)
Liver, pork 111 (豬肝)
Molasses, light 15 (Dark 96)
Mushrooms 14 (canned 400) 草菇
Mustard greens 18
Nectarine 6
Okra, 2
Olives, green 2,400 橄欖
Onions, green 5 (mature 10) 洋蔥
Parsley 45 (巴司裡)
Parsnips, cooked 8
Peas, cooked 2 (regular canned 236)
Peas, dried 40
Pork 65
Pork, cured ham 930
Pork canned ham 1,100
Potatoes, baked, boiled or french fried 2 to 6
Pumpkin, canned 2
Radishes 18
Rhubarb 2
Rice, dry 5 (cooked salted 374)
Salmon 64 (canned 387)
Shrimp 150
Spinach, raw 71 (cooked 50)
Squash 1
Sweet potatoes 12
Tomato 3 (canned 130)
Tongue, beef 61
Tuna in oil 800
Turkey, 82
Turnips 34
Veal 80


最後很懶,還是沒有全部翻譯完,有需要的人請自己 google 蔬菜的圖片來判斷名稱


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