今天收到 SPCA LA 寄來的 newsletter 才發現原來加州州長阿諾為了解決目前加州經費的問題,想要加稅在獸醫的服務上,也就是每次去看獸醫的時候,除了藥錢要加稅外,醫生作的任何服務也要加收稅錢,而且提議的稅額高達 9%,美國的獸醫已經很貴了,還要再加上9%的稅,目前經濟不景氣,很多人失業後就將寵物送走,這個加稅的方案只會造成更多的流浪狗,以下是 SPCA LA 的信,希望大家一人一封信,請州長改變主意,不要加所謂的醫療稅.

just last month, Governor Schwarzenegger proposed taxing a variety of services to help correct California's budget deficit. One of his key proposals is a nine percent tax on veterinary services. Especially here in California, where the nation's economic woes have hit some areas the hardest, now is not the time to tax pet owners. spcaLA and other shelters across the state, and the nation, are already seeing an increase of pets being given up due to financial concerns. The proposed tax could force people to forgo regular veterinary care, making their animals more susceptible to more costly, harmful diseases and injuries in the future, which will send even more pets to shelters.

Please email Governor Schwarzenegger by following the steps on http://gov.ca.gov/interact#email, or call his office at 916-445-2841 and convey your opposition to the proposed tax on veterinary services. Following, please find a sample message.

以下是信的樣本,先去 http://gov.ca.gov/interact#email 把個人資料填好後,再把下面的信貼上,按下 SUBMIT 即可.

Dear Governor Schwarzenegger,

Please consider the welfare of animals here in California and do not include a tax on veterinary services in your proposal to reduce our state's budget deficit.

Taxing veterinary services could lead pet owners to relinquish their pets to shelters, ultimately costing California millions of dollar annually and further compounding our state's pet overpopulation crisis.

Again, I urge you NOT to include a tax on veterinary services in your proposal to balance the California budget.

Thank you,

A concerned California resident


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